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"Sometimes the bad things in life will direct us on the path
to the best things that will ever happen to us."
- Unknown

My professional journey began 14 years ago when I entered the education field as a classroom teacher. During my years in the classroom, I worked in the general education and special education elementary classrooms with students from the ages of five to twelve.  Those years shaped my passion for rigorous, equitable instructional practices that center around student ownership and growth. In addition to having been a classroom educator, I have served in numerous other leadership roles, such as instructional coach and intern assistant principal, which have influenced my beliefs around effective, daring leadership and lead me to dedicating my professional career to serving students and empowering teacher leaders. Not only has my professional journey influenced who I am today, my family has had significant impact over who I have become as an educator and leader, as well. 


When I became a mother to my late daughter, Afton, who entered our world prematurely three and a half months early with terminal health complications, my life abruptly shifted. For two and a half years I was thrown into navigating the medical world and caring for my daughter's complex needs.  During those years, I was faced with many tough decisions about career vs. family, hospital vs. home, and life vs. death.  Although those years were emotionally challenging, I would never change them for anything because Afton’s life taught me most about leaning in to tough conversations, finding grace in struggle, and how to rumble with vulnerability.  Afton was a huge influence over me becoming the daring leader I am today.  

Since then my family has changed.  My daughter has passed on and I now have a beautiful son and daughter in which continue to influence my growth as a human being.  Motherhood has taught me to look at life differently and has strengthened my passion to serve.  The detour in my live’s journey wasn’t expected, but it has made me significantly stronger and has provided me with perspective I would have otherwise never had. In addition to the influence my children have had over my life, the encouragement of my husband to continue to follow my dreams lead me back to my dedication of becoming an educational leader. Which is where I stand today.

Click below to read more about how I my daughter's journey has shaped my views about servant leadership.

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